
Do healthcare facilities need to do marketing?

Do healthcare facilities need to do marketing?

As the growing of social media, marketing takes an important part in all businesses and even government organizations. It’s the same as in healthcare profession. When a patient needs to see a doctor or a physician for the first time, they usually go for the clinic closest to them. There are likely multiple healthcare practices in any given area that probably provide the similar quality and services. Because of the requirement of standard for all healthcare facilities, patients will feel like it’s the same to go anywhere, there won’t be much different. Without marketing strategies, a healthcare facility will have difficulties to attract new patients.

Marketing strategies will support the facility to indicate the differences from their competitors as well as keep their patients going back. Healthcare marketing will increase your connections with patients to keep their loyalty. Moreover, a successful marketing strategy can lead to potential patient engagement. With many tools, you can reach out to new patients through your website, social media platform. Here are healthcare marketing statistics:

  • 88% of searching for health information is from Google search engine. It means you need to build an updated nice website and attract your patients.
  • 57% of pregnant women have searched for healthcare and wellness information
  • 94% of patients searching for reputation facility in their identified area, while only 51% of them will go as recommendation from friends or family members

If you don’t take action or have poor images of your facility, patients will go for other places. Yet, your facilities probably share the same quality and standard services like others.